: Kult Magazine / Singapore / Issue 11 'Books' Theme
/ / Outline artwork in Illustrator \ \
Client: Kult 3D / Singapore Publication/Event: Kult Magazine Issue 11 / Exhibition 'Book Covers' theme "We asked over 50 designers, artists, illustrators and photographers to choose a book which has influenced them and shaped who they are today. They have chosen books to bring them back to the front of our minds." I Re-imagined - Dr Slump Vol 01 - 'The Birth of Arale's book cover, for Kult Studio / Gallery's 'Book' themed magazine and exhibition. I wanted to pay homage to one of the greatest mangakas, Akira Toriyama whose work I grew up with. The imagination, story-telling and worlds created by Toriyama, ignited my love for illustration and inspired me to create my own worlds and characters.